Quality Management and Strategic Plan
On February 6, 2020 approximately 50 people met at the AmericInn in Valley City, to create the Quality Management and Strategic Plan for Open Door Center. The people represented all segments of the Open Door Center including people served, staff representing first line supervisors, DSPs and Management. Also present were family members, community people, members of the Open Door Center Board of Directors and other service agencies.
Bruce Murry, Executive Director of the North Dakota Association of Community Providers, a licensed attorney and registered lobbyist with over fifteen years of experience working with people with disabilities facilitated the meeting.
The Basic Assurance factors were the foundation of the meeting guiding the group to determine what people needed in their lives to increase their quality of life and what the organization should do to improve the quality of services and meet the needs of those involved with the Open Door Center.
The quality management and strategic planning meeting was called to chart the pathway the community that makes up Open Door Center wants to travel. Members attending included individuals served, caregivers, and stakeholders.
After introductions of all attendees, the facilitator determined an incredible 1000 years of experience serving people with disabilities was present in the room!! Attendees included DSPs, frontline supervisors, program coordinators, nurses, management, board members, partner agencies, and local legislators.
Ground rules established included:
Ideas leave here, not quotes of participants.
Positive Regard/Assumptions of Goodwill for all participants.
Share Openly.
Have Fun!
Quality Management and Strategic Planning mission for today: Try and find a place where we want to be to meet the needs of individuals we serve but remain adaptable to change. Our ability to change things increases over time, but our ability to guess the situation declines. We agreed about one to three years out was the sweet spot where we could hope for both knowledge and influence.
We reviewed the Mission Statement of ODC and how participants restated it:
Excellence in serving people with disabilities by:
Respecting dignity and rights
Providing opportunities for growth
Foster independence
We believe this is best accomplished by working together with mutual trust and respect for one another throughout agency programs
Top Points to the Participants:
Respect and Dignity
Broader and better opportunities for our “folks!”
We discussed that CQL, Open Door, and the stakeholders present all believe in rights and freedom. Many pointed out that without reasonable safety and health, exercising any other rights is problematic at best. As such, we all agreed that safety is very important. We look forward to discussing these ongoing issues, and the tension between them, during CQL’s visit.
Click Here to continue reading CQL Basic Assurances — 10 Factors.